There are many types of hair loss, categorised mainly into two large groups:
It is estimated that 70% of men will experience hair loss at some point in their lives. Most of them will suffer from androgenetic alopecia, a genetic condition that causes the hairline to recede in men and hair to thin in women. With such a high prevalence, it is no wonder that so many people are looking for a safe and effective treatment method that can restore volume to their hair again.
Well, look no more – here at Ozhean Zoey, we offer radiofrequency microneedling combined with other effective treatment methods to bring back lustre to your hair so you can be your confident self again. But first, let us understand a little more about hair loss and why other treatment methods don’t work that well alone.
There are many types of hair loss, categorised mainly into two large groups:
This is an effective medication for male pattern hair loss and FDA-approved. The mechanism of action is through inhibition of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) receptors in the hair. However, it has many systemic side effects such as:
Because of these side effects, treatment is geared towards using topical finasteride that works like a hair lotion.
This was first discovered accidentally by a scientist who shone laser light at mice and later found hair growth in those areas. Laser light therapy is thought to help stimulate reentry into the anagen or growth phase of hair follicles, prolong anagen and increase proliferation of hairs in anagen phase.
However, it is time-consuming with slow results. Treatment would usually require several sessions a week for a number of months, perhaps even for the rest of your life.
It is also less effective for those in advanced stages of hair loss unlike those in the early stages. Long-term efficacy has yet to be established in these medical devices.
There are some hair loss shampoos out there that claim to prevent hair loss or promote hair growth. This is highly unlikely because shampoo has a very short contact time with the scalp and the hair follicles. It just doesn’t have time to stimulate hair growth or prevent hair loss.Hair loss shampoo is only effective if you have a scalp condition that is causing the hair loss, like seborrhoeic dermatitis (dandruff) or psoriasis, but not for male pattern hair loss.
Hair tonic is not meant to have dramatic effects on hair loss or cure it, but can help to supplement treatment. They also require at least 6 months of continuous use, and the results can vary based on individual hair conditions.It is unlikely that putting your faith in hair tonic treatments will lead to any significant results.
For this, the price varies and there are no actual studies or evidence to assess effectiveness and back their treatments.This is probably the least scientific way of solving your hair loss problems, and it is generally not recommended.
Hair transplant is done by transferring hair from areas with hair growth to areas that are balding. The results are distinct but it is very dependent on the skill of the surgeon themselves.There is risk of serious complications such as scarring folliculitis which can result in permanent loss of hair. It is also a very expensive treatment.
Our team of board-certified dermatologists and medical experts, with over 20 years of experience, are skilled in a variety of aesthetic procedures, and are committed to delivering high standards of care to help each patient look their best.
✓ Dr Park Ji-Youn, Medical Director of Ozhean Group
✓ Dr Michelle Ng, Senior Aesthetic Physician at Ozhean Zoey
✓ Dr Alfred Li, Aesthetic Physician at Ozhean Zoey
This is Ozhean Zoey’s proprietary radiofrequency microneedling program for full regeneration of hair for the scalp. It combines several treatments, including Secret RF and hair growth factors such as Minoxidil, to distinctly improve the efficacy and results.
A combination of fractional radiofrequency microneedling (RFMN) with 5% topical minoxidil has been shown to be effective and safe for male pattern hair loss. The number of strands of hair and the thickness of hair both increased in both monotherapy and combined-therapy.
Radiofrequency microneedling is an effective intervention method for hair loss that can be used with other treatments in order to induce dermal remodelling and collagen production that continue even after 6 months from the time of treatment.
Since the inception of Ozhean Zoey’s Hair-Full program, we have had good response from our clients. We are unable to publish the results due to strict MOH guidelines, but will be happy to share more information with you at our centre.
After just one session, you should see some hair growth in the areas of concern. After 4-5 sessions, you should see good and distinct hair growth in those areas.
You will typically see just some mild redness of the scalp which will subside in a few days’ time.
We recommend adjusting some lifestyle factors to reduce hair loss. For example, stress management, having adequate sleep and a nutritious diet filled with proteins that help hair growth.
We also recommend using topical finasteride to reduce hair loss for male pattern balding.
1-4 maintenance sessions per year for Secret RF may be needed for faster, more acute or aggressive hair loss patterns.
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Tue - 10:30 am - 6:30 pm
Sat - 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
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