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Eye Bag Removal in Singapore

What are eye bags?

Eyebags is that bulge under the eyes that make us look tired and aged. Eyebags removal will make your eyes look fresher and younger, which is why it is a sought after aesthetic treatment in Singapore. Eyebags occur due to a combination of many factors, which include loose lower eyelid and excessive fat in the fat pads of the eyelids. Some of us have eyebags that appear under our eyes even when we are young. Thankfully these eyebags can be easily treated with eye bag removal treatments.

These treatments are divided into surgical methods and non-surgical eye bag removal treatment, such as lower blepharoplasty. Nonsurgical treatments include aesthetic treatments such as fillers and Agnes Fat reduction.



As we age, the skin under the eyes loses collagen and its firmness. Skin laxity of the lower eyelid happens, and there is excessive loose skin. This gives rise to the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, the lower lid starts to sag, giving an “eye bag” appearance. Collagen loss also occurs in the fat pad and ligaments of the eyelids. As a result, the underlying fat pads start to bulge out. The cheek fat also starts to droop, and there is a loss of smooth contours from the eye area to the cheek resulting in a ring to form under the eyes.

Excessive orbital fat pad (Excessive lower eyelid fats)

For some of us, we are genetically predisposed to have an excessive fat pad in the lower eyelid area. These fat pads bulge out and give us eyebags. These eyebags make us look lethargic and tired. Typically such eye bag appearance runs in the family. Unlike eyebags caused by ageing, the skin is usually firm and taut and without wrinkles.

Resorption of bones 
in the cheek

Bone loss also occurs in ageing, and as a result, the cheekbones get resorbed. The loss of bone support in the cheek area worsens the sagging of the lower eyelid skin and bulging of the eyelid fat pads.

Pigmentation or venous congestion around the eye

Both lower eyelid pigmentation issues and eyelid skin circulation issues such as venous congestion give rise to dark eye rings (or dark circles) and accentuate the existing eyebags. If such conditions occur concurrently with eyebags, laser pigmentation treatments, and vascular laser treatments will need to be considered for the lower lid.


Sun damage is one of the leading cause of skin damage to the lower eyelid and the face. Ultraviolet rays initiate inflammatory and oxidative processes that damage the skin and reduce its collagen content. That leads to distinct wrinkles and eyebags.


Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid problems, can lead to excessive swelling around the eyes and gives rise to an eye bag appearance.

Fluid Retention

The reason why our eyes look puffier in the morning is because of water retention around the eyes as a result of hours of lying in a supine position. A high salt diet can also lead to excessive water retention and swelling in the lower eyelids. This gives rise to eye bags in the lower eyelids.


Allergies cause inflammation and swelling around the eyes, making the eyelid area look puffier and cause an eye bag appearance.

Why Choose Ozhean Zoey?

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Expertise Across Asia

With clinics in Singapore, Malaysia, and Korea, Ozhean Clinics is recognised for its expertise and innovation in aesthetic medicine, providing fine treatments across Asia.

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Collagen-Centric Procedures

Known for innovative collagen-boosting therapies, Ozhean Clinics offer a variety of medical-grade, anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation procedures, enhancing skin health and vitality. 

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Customised Treatment Plans

Each treatment is personalised, tailored to your skin condition and individual needs, ensuring effective and natural-looking results every time.

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Technology & Innovation

We consistently improve our technology and techniques to deliver safe, non-invasive solutions, such as our Ultherma (a fusion of Ultherapy and 10Therma) and the Quinta Laser, designed for multi-faceted skin rejuvenation.

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Medical Expertise

Our team of board-certified dermatologists and medical experts, with over 20 years of experience, are skilled in a variety of aesthetic procedures, and are committed to delivering quality of care to help each patient look their best.

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Patient Care & Global Trust

Ozhean Clinics have received several prestigious awards, including the Merz Aesthetics Gold Award for Ultherapy, positioning themselves as trusted aesthetic care providers worldwide.

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Minimally Invasive, Maximum Results

Patients don’t need to go under the knife to achieve youthful-looking skin. Ozhean clinics specialise in non-invasive treatments, minimising downtime while ensuring impressive, efficient, and long-lasting outcomes. 

Our Doctors

✓ Dr Park Ji-Youn, Medical Director of Ozhean Group

  • Founder and director of the Ozhean Skin and Plastic Surgery Network

✓ Dr Michelle Ng, Senior Aesthetic Physician at Ozhean Zoey

  • Holds an extensive portfolio of filler and facial rejuvenation cases

✓ Dr Alfred Li, Aesthetic Physician at Ozhean Zoey

  • Dedicated to aesthetic dermatology anti-ageing and non-surgical rejuvenation


Under Eye Fillers

Under-eye fillers is a simple office non-surgical procedure. It involves placing the fillers over the eyebag area around the eye bags’ grooves and troughs. As a result, the eyebags are concealed, and the eyes appear immediately refreshed. Under experienced hands, the procedure can be performed in less than 15 minutes without any side effects. Under-eye fillers for eye bags are most suited for mild to moderate eyebags. It is a relatively simple office procedure and minimally invasive compared to eye bag surgery and can yield a more than 50 % improvement in appearance. Under-eye fillers or eye bag fillers can last up to 2 years or more, depending on the choice of fillers selected.

This is how under eye or eye bag fillers are done:

1) The face is first examined along with tear troughs. Signs of ageing on other areas of the face are also assessed
2) Topical local anaesthesia is applied to the lower eyelids area.
3) Markings are made on the eyelids area, areas that will require more filling are noted.
4) The fillers are then administered into the eyelid area. The results are instant.
  1. Simple office procedure
  2. Minimally invasive
  3. Minimal Discomfort
  4. Minimal downtime
  5. 50% or more concealment of eyebags
  6. Results can last up to 2 years
  7. Hyaluronic acid fillers are reversible

When eyebag fillers are done carefully, and under experienced hands, it is a very safe procedure with a low risk of complications. Nevertheless, the following are the inherent risks of the procedure:

  1. Vascular complications. In the unlikely event, the filler product is injected into the vessels, leading to skin necrosis or blindness. The risks of this complication are very low since we only use a blunt cannula that pushes blood vessels aside rather than cutting into them. In addition, conscious efforts are made to avoid the blood vessels as the product is administered distant from the vessels.
  2. Swelling/lumpiness/ Tyndall’s effect – A side effect such as this is usually caused by excessive filler product injected in a localized area. If the fillers are injected excessively at a superficial layer, it can cause a bluish discolouration appearance called Tyndall’s effect.  These side effects can be avoided by the doctor’s proper fanning technique, which creates an even distribution of the product.
  3. Asymmetry – If both or either sides of the eye bags are not filled adequately or overfilled, asymmetry of the eyebags can result. With proper technique by the doctor, this can be avoided. We have corrected several asymmetries of the eyebags (mostly not caused by us) by reducing the side that is overfilled (with ultrasound treatment) and topping up the side that is underfilled.
  4. Nodules – Nodules are very uncommon in our practice. It is usually caused by injected the wrong filler product at the wrong tissue plane (usually too superficially). Some products such as ellanse and Sculptra needs a lot of caution to be injected into the superficial plane. If the nodule is caused by hyaluronic acid, it can be reversed by hyaluronidase.

Costs of Under eye fillers is from $900 onwards.

Under eye / eye bag threads

Another popular minimally invasive eye bag treatment is undereye or eyebag threads. Done under local anaesthesia, this procedure is done with minimal pain. What it involves is the administering of fine absorbable threads over the under-eye area. The threads not only have a “filling” effect of reducing the eye bags. It also stimulates collagen production in the eyebag area and causes tightening of the lower eyelid’s skin and the eye bags.

  1. Minimally invasive
  2. Little discomfort with local anaesthesia
  3. Stimulates collagen and cause tightening
  4. Gets rid of wrinkles in addition to resolving eye bags

There is a minimal risk of under-eye threads damaging any important structures as long as the threads are inserted at the right tissue plane. Thread extrusion, which is the threads sticking out of the skin, can occur if the threads are places wrongly and too superficially. This can be easily avoided with proper insertion techniques by the doctor. Bruising can potentially occur because the lower eyelid is surrounded by a rich plexus of blood vessels. This is minimised with gentle, careful techniques. Bruising is also minimised with pre-treatment with Ozhean Zoey’s ultrasound treatment.

Costs of under-eye filler start from $900 onwards.

Agnes Eye bag Reduction

Agnes eye bag treatment is the most popular non-surgical eyebag removal treatment in Ozhean Zoey. The reason being is that this is an effective eyebag removal procedure. In addition, the skin around the eye is also tightened, and the wrinkles in the eye region visibly reduced. How is fat removal done safely and with minimal discomfort?

Agnes is a unique micro needle radiofrequency device that administers radio frequency energy waves at precise depths because of precise treatment tips. This stimulates collagen remodelling and production in the skin. As a result, loose, saggy skin gets significantly tightened. A different treatment tip will target deeper into the eyebag fat pads. Temperatures are raised high enough (beyond 70 degrees) to coagulate the fat and also to liquefy it. As the radio frequency was delivered shot by shot in a very controlled, safe manner, the treatment helps to get rid of excess fat without the risk of the heat spreading to the surrounding tissues to cause any damage. Agnes eyebag offer distinctly visible results in each session.

    1. Local anaesthesia is given to the area
    2. Agnes fat removal treatment is done for the eyebags
    3. Agnes skin tightening is done for the eyelid
    4. Post care is advised.
    5. LDM ultrasound treatment is done to reduce redness by 50% (optional)
    6. Typically, redness takes one day to subside
    7. The risk of bruising is 10%, and if it occurs, it is usually mild and takes 5-7 days to subside
  1. Non-surgical and minimally invasive (no visible scars
  2. Comfortable procedure with local anaesthesia
  3. Visible improvement of at least 40% reduction of eyebags and 30% improvement of eye wrinkles
  1. Risk of mild bruising
  2. Post Treatment swelling, which takes 1-2 days to subside with medication

Agnes eye bag removal starts from $2500 onwards.

Eye bag Removal Surgery

For very serious eyebags or eyebags with severe skin laxity, the treatment of choice is still surgery or lower blepharoplasty for eyebag removal. Lower blepharoplasty is divided into two types: 1) scarless eye bag removal or transconjunctival blepharoplasty and 2) External blepharoplasty.

Scarless eye bag removal

This surgery involves approaching the eye bag eye region from the conjunctival (the red part of the eyelid). The lower eyelid is retracted with the help of an assistant, and the conjunctival of the eyelid is exposed. The surgery is done with local anaesthesia. An excision is made here, and after tissue (eyebag removal is done) dissection, the fat pads are exposed and removed. Caution is made to reduce any bleeding as that will affect postoperative bruising.

The advantage of scarless eyebag removal is that, as the name implies, it does not leave any visible external scar. With the removal, the eyebags are immediately gone.

As with all plastic surgery, the results and the recovery post-surgery is very depending on the skill of the plastic surgeons. Scarless eyebag removal only removes the eyebag but do not treat the overlying loose skin. Complications include severe eye bruising, loose skin and wrinkles, more evident post-surgery (due to excess skin).

External blepharoplasty

This lower blepharoplasty surgery helps to remove excess skin and treats eye bags. It is most suited for serious eyebags and laxity of the skin.

  1. Obvious external scars (depending on the skill of the plastic surgeon)
  2. Postoperative bruising, pain and swelling
  3. Need to remove external sutures
  4. Long recovery

Lower blepharoplasty is costly in Singapore. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty can cost from $5000 onwards, while external blepharoplasty can cost from


Eyes Fit For You

The eyes are the window to the soul and we want your eyes to speak life. The appropriate eyebag treatment for you will have to depend on your age, the degree of skin laxity, the severity of the eyebag bulge. Our doctors will examine you to assess that and prescribe the most relevant treatments for you.

What treatment to choose?

The following are some questions you can answer to help better decide the right treatments for you:

  1. Are you above 40 or below?
  2. Is the skin over your eyebags lax? (Do a pinch test – does the skin remained pinched when you unpinch?)
  3. Are there wrinkles over your eyebags?
  4. How serious will you grade your eyebag bulge?


Depending on the type of treatments, costs range from $900 onwards.

Yes, most certainly with Agnes treatment. Using eye creams can also help improve the results from the treatment.

All patients are suitable eyebag removal treatments, the choice will depend on whether they can accept surgery with surgical risks or a minimally invasive procedure.

No, local anaesthesia is given for more procedures. They are done with minimal pain.

Typically Agnes eyebag removal treatment is done in under an hour. Fillers and eye threads are performed in less than 30 minutes.

Done under an experienced doctor, the procedures are safe.

Downtime will depend on the type of procedure. Typically in Ozhean Zoey, we provide treatments with minimal downtime in mind.

That will depend on the severity of the eyebags and laxity of the skin. Typically many patients opt for non-surgical treatments because of no surgical risks.

Yes most certainly. A combination of fillers, eye threads and Agnes treatment yields the most optimal result.
Eyebag removal is permanent and should not recur. The skin may get loose again with age for which a repeat treatment can be sought.

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