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Unlike our Caucasian friends, most Asian noses tend to be flatter at the nose bridge and nose tip.This is because we have a different facial bone structure and different extent and amount of nose cartilage.

As a result of flat nose bridges, our eyes also look further than each other.Aesthetically, widely separated eyes are less attractive.Flat nose bridges are common in Asian faces which is why flat nose augmentation is such a popular and common aesthetic treatment in Singapore.


Hooked nose occurs when there is excessive curved bone at the nose bridge and inadequate and the nose tip pointing downwards (and no nostril show). Hooked noses are more commonly found in Caucasians and Indians. Hooked noses can be easily corrected by adding nose threads to the nose tip to rotate the nose tip upwards.

Alternatively, it can be corrected with rhinoplasty surgery, where excess bone at the bridge is removed and the nose tip elevated.


Seasoned aesthetic doctors always have a strong mental image of the beautiful outcome they are sculpting. Let’s take a look at the various features of the nose they typically sculpt: 

Prominent Nose Bridge

A prominent nose bridge defines the face, brings the eyes together and makes the eyes look more naturally wider. A naturally shaped nose bridge fans to the eyebrows. If this fanning is too wide, the nose may look unnatural. This might be caused by placing excessive soft fillers at the nose bridge. [See image on the right].

However, it seems that noses like this which shocks our aesthetic senses are gaining popularity on the internet.

In addition, the height when this fanning begins is important. For ladies this fanning should start at a line that is drawn from one medial canthus (inner corner of the eye) to another. For men, this line can be higher.

If the nose bridge extends too much to the forehead (fanning occurs above the aesthetic line), making the nose look too straight and unnatural.This can occur if a nose implant was too stiff in material or placed too high.

Distinct Projected Nose Tip

The angle in which the nose tip is projected is important. If it points too upwards, the nostrils will show too much. If it is pointed downwards, the nose will appear hooked. Both appearances are not aesthetically pleasing.

Straighter nose

Some people may have bumps or dents in their nose, called dorsal humps, making it uneven and bumpy looking. This uneven-looking nose can be corrected with either fillers or threads.

The decision to use either fillers or nose threads for dorsal humps will depend on the area of the bump or depression as well as the individual needs. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and we will certainly discuss  all possibilities with you before deciding on the best one. 


Founder of Ozhean Skin and Plastic Surgery Network
Author of over 30 scientific papers on dermatology
Creator of Ozhean’s SKIN FIT program
Korean Board Certified Dermatologist

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With clinics in Singapore, Malaysia, and Korea, Ozhean Clinics is recognised for its expertise and innovation in aesthetic medicine, providing high-quality treatments across Asia.
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Collagen-Centric Procedures

Well-known for innovative collagen-boosting therapies, Ozhean Clinics offer a variety of medical-grade, anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation procedures, enhancing skin health and vitality. 

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Each treatment is highly personalised, tailored to your skin condition and individual needs, ensuring effective and natural-looking results every time.

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We consistently improve our technology and techniques to deliver safe, non-invasive solutions, such as our Ultherma (a fusion of Ultherapy and 10Therma) and the Quinta Laser, designed for multi-faceted skin rejuvenation.

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Our team of board-certified dermatologists and medical experts, with over 20 years of experience, are skilled in a variety of aesthetic procedures, and are committed to delivering high standards of care to help each patient look their best.

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Ozhean Clinics have received several prestigious awards, including the Merz Aesthetics Gold Award for Ultherapy, positioning themselves as trusted aesthetic care providers worldwide.

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Minimally Invasive, Maximum Results

Patients don’t need to go under the knife to achieve youthful-looking skin. Ozhean clinics specialise in non-invasive treatments, minimising downtime while ensuring impressive, efficient, and long-lasting outcomes. 

Our Doctors

✓ Dr Park Ji-Youn, Medical Director of Ozhean Group

  • Founder and director of the Ozhean Skin and Plastic Surgery Network

✓ Dr Michelle Ng, Senior Aesthetic Physician at Ozhean Zoey

  • Holds an extensive portfolio of filler and facial rejuvenation cases

✓ Dr Alfred Li, Aesthetic Physician at Ozhean Zoey

  • Dedicated to aesthetic dermatology anti-ageing and non-surgical rejuvenation


We all have differently shaped noses. Like our fingerprint, it’s what gives us identity and beauty. Although there is an ideal nose shape that is aesthetically pleasing to most eyes. To have that same nose cut and pasted on every face will make them lose their racial and social identity. The nose must match the face. Not the other way around. At Ozhean Zoey, we will suggest an ideal nose bridge and nose tip that most suit you.


Nose Fillers Singapore

An injection to sculpt the nose? 14 years ago when nose fillers were first introduced to the Singapore aesthetic market, it would seem to be too good to be true. After all, back then, only surgery or rhinoplasty was the only means of nose augmentation. Nose fillers are a non-surgical nose augmentation with the injection of filler materials, the commonest being hyaluronic acid. It is suitable for patients who are not ready for surgery either because they cannot accept the surgical risks like scarring or the surgical costs. It is also suitable for noses that only need a mild to moderate augmentation of the nose bridge and a mild refinement of the nose tip. Surgery is still the treatment of choice for noses that have very flat nose bridges, depressed nose tips and large round alars (nostrils).

Since then nose fillers have gotten very popular in Singapore especially among younger patients.However recently, its popularity has declined because of reports of eye blindness associated with nose fillers.


Nose fillers is an office procedure, done in a clean room in a clinic.  Under experienced hands, the procedure is usually done in 15 minutes or less.  That is why when it was first introduced, it was known as a lunch time nose job.

There is minimal bruising, swelling and down-time associated with nose fillers, when it is done with experienced hands.  The likelihood of bruising is lower if it is done with a blunt cannula.

Most clinics in Singapore will use reversible fillers such as hyaluronic acid.  That means with the injection of a material called “hylase or hyaluronidase”, the filler material will “dissolve” and be absorbed by the body.  This reversibility means that unwanted results or complications caused by the nose fillers can be reversed.


The most feared complication of nose fillers is when the fillers are injected into the blood vessels on the nose.  If that is to happen, the fillers can back flow to the vessels of the eye and either partially or completely block the blood supply.  When that happens partial or complete blindness of the eye can happen.  The reason why this is a rare complication is that most of the blood vessels are at the side of nose and nose fillers are typically injected in the midline of the nose.  Given proper technique and the right depth of injection, this complication can be avoided.

As mentioned above, in the unlikely event that fillers are administered into the vessels (known as embolism), the blood supply to the skin is compromised.  This may lead to scarring.  Early intervention with a reversing agent like hyaluronidase is crucial to reduce the damage caused.  Platelet rich plasma (PRP) or healer treatments such as rejuran, may help to promote good wound healing and reduce scarring.

Embolism events are really rare.   The nose tip is known as a “watershed area” in which blood supply is the weakest.  Excessive fillers at the nose tips can lead to compression of these vessels and weaken the blood supply to this area even further.  As a result the skin over the nose tip can be compromised and will lead to scarring.  This complication is usually accompanied by excessive pain and can be potentially reversible with hyaluronidase if injected early. (provided the filler material is hyaluronic acid)

Filler material comes in different firmness and consistency.   Choosing a softer material for nose filler can result in a soft wide look for the nose bridge which might look unnatural.  It is best to choose a firm “hard” material as nose fillers for a sharper more natural look. (mimicking the nasal bones)

This is usually caused by poor technique and administering the nose fillers off the midline.  This can certainly be avoided with proper techniques and is also easily correctable by balancing with more fillers to make nose bridge look more central.  Firm massage and pressure can also help to mould the nose bridge more centrally.

Treatment Process For Nose Fillers in Singapore

In Ozhean Zoey, we only perform nose fillers for the nose bridge and less commonly for the nose tip.  Nose bridge fillers are a safer area for filler injections compared to the nose tip.  This is because of the following reasons: there is a higher risk of complications for nose tip fillers and nose threadlifts for the nose tip will yield a better and more sustainable result (see below).

For nose fillers at the bridge, we will prefer to place the fillers deep at the bone (where there are minimal blood vessels) and significantly lower the risk of vascular issues.  So far for the thousands of procedures performed for nose bridge fillers, we have no vascular complications. 

The nose filler process is a quick and painless one that takes only about 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

This is the treatment process for nose fillers:

  1. Topical anaesthesia is applied to the nose until the surface skin is adequately anaesthetized
  2. Markings of the midline of the nose are made. It is also made where the fanning of the nose bridge begins. (to prevent an overly high nose bridge)
  3. Nose fillers is performed, the fillers are carefully administered in the midline of the nose
  4. Care is also taken to make regular smooth injections (to create a thin long bulge) so that the new nose bridge looks even, sharp but yet natural
  5. Gentle compressions are made to sculpt the nose fillers into a more natural shape.

Our nose augmentation treatment of choice for the nose bridge is still the nose fillers.  For the nose tip it will be nose threadlifts. We have a rich portfolio of nose augmentation cases to show, which our resident doctor will show you during the consultation.

Cost of Nose Fillers in Singapore

Nose fillers in Singapore costs from $900 to $1300 depending on the choice of fillers. It is best considered together with nose threadlifts.

Nose Implants and Surgery Singapore

There will be some noses that are more suited for cosmetic surgery, particularly, very flat noses, bulbous nose tips or overtly round nostrils.   These features are less likely to be corrected alone with nose threadlifts.

Nose surgery or rhinoplasty also yield permanent results.

Ozhean’s cosmetic surgeons has a wealth of experience that can help you achieve your desired nose shape.  Do contact us if you want to find out more.


  1. Permanent Result
  2. Able to create a drastic result for the nose
  3. Able to correct very flat nose bridges, bulbous nose tips and overtly round nostrils.


  1. Surgical risks such as excessive scarring
  2. Implant infection
  3. Anesthesia risks
  4. High costs

Treatment Process For Nose Implants in Singapore

Rhinoplasty in Singapore is typically done in an operating theatre because the implants need to be inserted in a clean and sterile environment.  It is best to consult a cosmetic surgeon for the details of the surgery process.

Cost of Nose Implants in Singapore

To our understanding, rhinoplasty in Singapore costs $10,000 or more depending on the complexity of the surgery.  Costs in Singapore are higher even compared to Korea.


The duration of nose fillers or nose threadlifts will depend on the choice of fillers or threads used. Longest lasting material can last up to 18 to 24 months.

Nose fillers are typically a comfortable procedure which should not be excessively painful.  That is because the filler material has local anaesthetic premixed within.  In addition, it is usually done very gently.

If the nose bridge is very flat, the first augmentation treatment of choice is still surgery.  Otherwise both nose bridge fillers and nose threading should be considered for a pronounced nose augmentation.  If only an increased definition of the nose bridge is desired, then nose threading might suffice.


Yes, certainly with a combination of nose fillers and nose threading.

Yes, for a more prominent effect, non-surgical nose fillers may be done in combination with nose thread lifts.

This can be done by first using a nose filler to refine the nasal column to make the tip higher. Then, nose threads can be used to lower the width of your nose and bring it forward to give a sharper and more defined nose tip that looks natural and stunning.

For this procedure, you only need about 6 to 8 threads and pain is negligible.

There are many factors that will affect the number of nose threads needed, such as the intended effect, initial nose shape and condition, whether you are doing a combination of nose threads with fillers or just threads alone. It may be anywhere between 6-10 threads per procedure, depending on the type of threads used.

Nose threads will not cause blindness, unlike some claims out there. Nose threads do not block blood vessels or arteries to the eyes, so there is no need to worry.

Many patients come to us asking which one they should go for, nose fillers or nose thread lifts. Well, the answer is, it really depends on your individual needs and situation. 

Some noses are more suited for fillers while others will benefit more from thread lifts. Sometimes, you may even want a combination of the two for better results.

To decide, you may discuss it with your doctor directly during your consultation.

Nose threads and hyaluronic-based fillers are not permanent and will be absorbed by the body within 9-12 months. Fillers may also be dissolved.

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